
  • Who: This site is for Archaeologists of any age, well over 18.  
  • What: You’ll utilize cutting edge technology to identify and locate cultural or historical resources prior to field study. You can also use this technology to create digital 2-D maps and 3-D Models of historic structures. 
  • Where: On Private or Federal lands (with permission).  Anywhere cultural resources need to be identified, protected and documented.  
  • When: Inside or outside, in at least semi-light, winds at less than 12 miles per hour. Preferably when sun angles are lowest.
  • Why: Use of this technology is faster, cheaper, and better. Use of this technology will save you days in the field and will help you focus field studies for the most important areas. 
  • How: Whether fixed-wing or roto-copter there is a UAS for you. You’ll fly at between 250 feet  to 400 feet above ground surface, with a product at 2-cm resolution for final export to Arc-GIS other aerial mapping formats.   

While these names are similar, there is room in the industry for more than one. Once you pick your site name, a similar site name will not be sold in the same geographic area without your being notified and given first right of refusal. 

Cost: Contact Us (775) 287-9038